Star Wars. There’s really nothing I can say here that you probably haven’t already heard in a thousand other sites. And I can bet that those other folks have said it better and more poetically. Everything has been said about “Star Wars” by thousands of people all over the world.
But the real question I asked was, can “The Legacy Revealed” give us something new about Star Wars? Perhaps they’d divulge an unknown tidbit, or perhaps they’d share some insight that others haven’t caught yet? It’s possible. But also it’s pretty much impossible these days. Many documentaries just tread over the same old territory. “Star Wars: The Legacy” doesn’t really tell us anything new or groundbreaking.
I mean, being a hardcore Wars fan, there’s really nothing you can tell me that won’t cause me to nod with a sense of knowing. Lucas has said it all, and interviews have revealed all that we’ll ever need to know about the series. Most of it is based on mythology, some of it is clearly based on the biblical tales and so on.
Aside from the pretty laughable assertion that the “Star Wars” movies only became deeper with the new trilogy, “The Legacy Revealed” is actually an entertaining documentary with interviews with Joss Whedon, J.J. Abrams, and the like, along with, of course, scenes from the original trilogy. Those are always fun. If you’re prepared to tread over much of the same ground for a couple of hours.
Philosophers and news casters alike make some interesting observations of the trilogy, connecting the characters and arcs to much of the most famous archetypes and mythological tales from the Greek figures, to the biblical myths, and it’s fascinating to watch, and I was sure there’d be nothing new here to gather. Thankfully, the folks at the History Channel prove this cynical fan wrong.
Articles, and novels have been written about the mythos, so the abundance of information looking behind the story is not a difficult task to take. However, “The Legacy Revealed” is an entertaining look at the series from the perspective of these fans who also happen to be established professionals in their fields.
The creators behind this never make it too campy, instead they try and most times succeed in taking an earnest and stern look at the seams of the story of “Star Wars” and the rise and fall of Darth Vader. What keeps “The Legacy Revealed” a unique documentary that stands apart from the rest, is that we’re given many interpretations from fans on different themes. Some view the conflicts as biblical, others view them as mythological, and no one ever steps in between to pretend to offer a definitive view.
Like literature, “Star Wars” has many views on many different sub-plots, and that’s fully embraced here. Thankfully, the documentary makes great use of the people it sits down with. Stephen Colbert is pretty humorous and yet oddly insightful, and then we talk to different authors who manage to provide their own thesis on the mythology as well, and that makes for the most compelling material.
The function for “The Legacy Revealed” is not so much on the production of the films, or the impact of the film on pop culture, but more the views and perspectives of different creative personalities on this dynasty called “Star Wars.” I was prepared to basically sleep through “The Legacy Revealed,” but it does manage to not only stir the mind in regards to the series, but it’s also fascinating in its interviews with noted literary professors, and theorists who can connect and open up some interesting facts in the story.
So, yes, I loved “The Legacy Revealed,” I’ll admit it. It’s worth a try if you’re a fan of the series. You may learn something new, or then again you may not. Either way, you’ll get to re-watch some of the best scenes of the series, so it’s a win-win situation, folks.
“Star Wars: The Legacy Revealed” premieres May 28th on the History Channel. Check your Local Listings.