Megaman X (2012)

My main weakness ever since I acquired the internet in 2000 is fan films. I can’t get enough of them, no matter how good or bad they are. The good thing about them is that if they’re good, they show us that some properties have potential to really shine as great movies. Director Olan Rogers proves that with his fantastic adaptation of “Megaman X.”

Made on seven hundred dollars, director Rogers envisions a stark and appropriately action packed world in which Mega Man exists, and proves that a blue robot with a blaster for a hand can look immensely cool in action. Megaman has always been ripe for storytelling potential and Olan Rogers fully realizes that with his short film adapting the hit SNES game in a brief but entertaining fashion. Dr. Light has passed on and has left behind an automated message that he’s created an artificial intelligence that is to be unleashed if there’s any hope of saving the world. His name is X. After failing to control his past robotic experiments, X is the only one capable of heroism. We then cut to an incredible action sequence between Megaman and Protoman that’s brilliantly edited and masterfully filmed.

In this final battle between the two characters, Rogers implements all of X’s primary functions including the power slide and the mega blast, while relying on some damn sharp special effects to sell the film’s action sequences. Fans of the games will instantly recognize the references to Megaman X on display, and it’s unbelievably entertaining, to say the least. I wish someone would give Olan Rogers a huge budget to deliver us a killer Megaman movie, because “Megaman X” is a clear indicator that he knows what he’s doing. A mega movie from a mega director, “Mega Man X” is a fantastic adaptation of a fantastic game. With great performances, wonderful editing, and killer special effects, this is an accomplishment that has to be seen.