Paperman (2012)

paperman_planeI think anyone could connect with the characters in “Paperman.” Particularly the mal protagonist of the short animated film who may very well have met the girl of his dreams at a train stop, and can do nothing but hope they will meet again. When he sees her in an office parallel to his work high rise, he does everything he can to garner her attention.

In a desperate effort he constructs dozens of paper airplanes to meet her and catch her eye, but alas the fates seem against him. As does his strict boss. Director John Kahrs produces an immaculate and wonderful bit of romantic fantasy where fate plays a big hand in the love lives of two average people. While the film strives for startling realism, it also plays to the tune of Disney fantasy where something supernatural forms from a man’s ache to find a kindred spirit in a lonely world. Filled with top notch two dimensional and subtle computer animation, “Paperman” is a downbeat and beautiful little love tale that lends a sense of wonder to simplicity.

“Paperman” evokes the classic silent films of the bygone era with a hint of modern themes on isolation and the belief in love at first sight. The animation is meticulous and expressive, but never gaudy, while the writing team allows us to connect with both characters without a single word of dialogue between them. “Paperman” has a great premise with an incredible take on love, and I look forward to watching it again. With excellent animation, wonderful writing, and a beautiful finale, “Paperman” is a sweet and heart wrenching look at the search for love, and the desperate attempts to cling to it when it’s discovered.