The Biker Warrior Babe vs. The Zombie Babies from Hell (2014)

zombie-babiesIn the small town of Cranberry Lake, a wannabe witch and her succubus assistant attempt to summon a demon, when this goes badly, an army of zombie evil babies is unleashed on the town for which the only hope if a group of teenagers who have seen the evil and want to survive. Writer/director Jeremiah Morehouse has some good ideas in the script that he tries his best to put on screen but the script may have been a bit too ambitious for its super micro budget.  This budget is estimated at $10,000 and this unfortunately shows a lot in the film.  The story is ambitious and wants to achieve a lot which is lost a bit due to the effects and other issues in the film that are mostly blamed on the budget and a bit on a lack of experience.  However, the film’s ambition and love for its genre shows and this helps it greatly.

The mostly inexperienced cast does as they can with the material and most likely limited number of shots for each scene.  The main two decent performances, not perfect but decent, are Brii Davis as Zipp the title Biker Warrior Baby and Jake Dylman as her love interest Doc.  The two of them play teenagers in charge of way too much well enough and give good banter from time to time.  Their performances fit with the material and in a few scenes even elevate it a little bit.  These performances are not Oscar worthy but definitely not the worst this reviewer has seen this year.  The rest of the cast is not so good unfortunately, giving some not so good to bad performances but they do add to the film’s Z grade movie style and feel.

The special effects are of varying quality, the practical effects by Chuck Jackson have a few bright spots with a few pieces being well done.  However, the one piece that looked the best at first, the eye gag, but eventually starts looking like it’s coming off which is unfortunate.  The visual effects and CGI are a whole other ball game.  This film should have skipped the CGI and never shown the titular zombie babies as when they show up, they look absolutely horrible.  CGI, good CGI in particular, is very expensive and something this reviewer wishes most low budget films would steer away from.  An unseen monster or beast is much scarier than a botched on screen one.  The zombies babies here show up on herds and just look copy and pasted over and over again bringing the film’s low budget look lower.

Low budget films can be good and even terrifying, but effects like these make the zombie babies look out of place and funnier than scary.  Keeping them off screen would have saved money and possibly fixed their level of scariness.  The film itself looks ok, especially considering its budget and the lack of experience from most involved, except the nighttime filter, which is something that should never ever be used as it looks terrible no matter the budget or story.  The cinematography by Brandon Green and Aaron Martin looks decent.  It’s not great and it won’t bring them any kind of prizes, but the images are done right and show the action well.

The Biker Warrior Babe vs. The Zombie Babies from Hell is an interesting watch, not a great one but a decent one.  While watching, the viewer needs to keep in mind that it’s a no-budget, no-experience film and they should have a decent time watching it.  Yes the zombie babies look terrible, but they are thankfully not in every scene.  This film is the kind of film that could be a stepping stone or a learning experience for its crew, but it looks like it was not followed up on by most of them.  Also, look for an odd appearance from Lloyd Kaufman, or rather listen for it.