Yes, I know, I’m not the first to rank all of Michael Myers’ masks from the “Halloween” movie series, and I won’t be the last. But I figure since the highly anticipated “Halloween Kills” premieres on Friday and it features another alteration on “The Shape” and his guise, that it would be a good time to explore which of Michael’s many masks I loved and which I despised. The ranking just might surprise you. I know it surprised me. Michael has had so many different masks over the course of his film series due to various production issues and creative turns, so what better way to celebrate the impending release of the David Gordon Green sequel?
Halloween (1978) (The Strode Timeline)
It’s hard to beat the OG. I grew up with this mask, it’s how I know Michael Myers, and it’s unparalleled. Every horror fan worth their salt knows the origin of “the Shape” Mask and how it became iconic (William Shatner, White Paint, etc., etc.), not to mention a great example in working with what’s available to you. The Mask represents “The Shape” (as he’s identified in the original movie), a formless, merciless force of evil and he’s haunting.
Halloween (2018) (The David Gordon Green Timeline)
The reboot from 2018 is one of the closest representations of the original mask, except it’s given an added nuance. As Michael has aged, so has “The Shape,” and the mask he donned on Halloween night in 1978 is now wrinkled, and decrepit but still a beacon of pure evil. It’s very poetic in its way and symbolic if Michael’s refusal to fade. Rob Zombie’s Halloween (2007) (The Zombieween Timeline)
A great mask wasted on a terrible movie, Rob Zombie really did his home work offering up a Michael Myers mask that was new but also felt like a very, very close facsimile of the OG mask from 1978. The mask also works for Tyler Mane’s build making Myers seem like pure evil and a physical force.
Halloween II (1981) (The Strode Timeline)
Just about as close to the original mask as Rob Zombie’s Halloween but not quite there. There’s a considerable difference in the mask for the original and the follow up, but it’s thankfully very subtle. There’s a change in Michael’s mask that makes him very easy to separate from the original, but sadly makes it kind of distracting considering this is supposed to take place (in this timeline, at least) the same night as part one.
Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers (1988) (The Thorn Timeline)
This mask for the reboot looks so much less like Shatner, and a lot more like Myers ripped off the head of a mannequin, hollowed it out, and slipped it on. To their credit, the mask for Halloween IV is very effective, and his lack of emotion shines through. He’s just slightly more morose in his appearance, and not quite as imposing. Either way it’s a solid mask.
Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (1998) (The Strode Timeline)
It’s tough to judge this mask as there were so many varieties of Michael’s masks, as well as added CGI to alter his appearance to make it similar to the original mask. In either case, The “H20” mask still an effective mask that’s different, but still pretty spooky when all things are considered. He still feels so much like Michael Myers, and the mask works more than it doesn’t.
Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers (1995) (The Thorn Timeline)
At the very least, we don’t see Michael’s eyes this time, making him feel inhuman. The mask for “The Curse of Michael Myers” is fine, even if it looks like its two sizes too big for the actor playing the Shape, plus the shape and size of the eye holes make Michael look more clueless than horrifying. It’s a passable facsimile, but it still looks cheap, dusty, and worn.
Halloween: Resurrection (2002) (The Strode Timeline)
The mask for “Resurrection” looks like Michael Myers saw a picture of Michael Jackson and just decided to go with it. There’s added shade everywhere on the mask, and he even has eyebrows. For a mask that’s supposed to indicate a blank force of evil, it’s annoying that the make up artists felt it was a great idea to give his mask human features. The “Halloween” audience doesn’t need their hands held.
Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers (1989) (The Thorn Timeline)
This mask is god awful. Even as a kid I hated it, and I must have seen this movie a thousand times. This mask is just pitiful and ridiculous. It looks like someone’s dog gnawed on it for a while, and after wrestling it from them, they accidentally stretched it out in the dryer. It’s ill fitted, awkward, and absolutely dopey, no matter how many people Michael slaughters.