Following on the success of Women in Horror Month, we want to bring you more work by talented womxn who work in film. This week, we bring you K.Bly, a screenwriter, podcaster, and co-creator of The 5th Wall media company.
Please introduce yourself:
K.Bly: Co-Creator of The 5th Wall media company, podcaster, and screenwriter.
What is it that attracts you the horror genre for your chosen field of creative work?
My window into the world was through books and TV. I loved the thrill and suspense of being able to dive into a good mystery book or ghost story. I was intrigued by old school scary movies and the feeling of fright they brought to people. I had a true passion for this genre, and I could no longer continue the what ifs. My interest for reading and watching horror and sci-fi sparked me to want to create my own projects based of what I saw, learned, and felt was missing.
Who inspires you in your work and in life?
I am inspired by Shonda Rhimes and Jordan Peele in the world of filmmaking and writing because of their ability to create original and inclusive projects. I am inspired by one of my old college professors in the field of mental health, because he allowed me to see the importance of POC in counseling and psychology.
What are your passions, cinematic or otherwise?
I have a passion for horror in all aspects. I have written comic books, I co-host a horror themed podcast, and I am currently getting into filmmaking. I have so many stories I want to tell, and I like the flexibility of using different outlets.
Considering this is 2022, why do you think we still need a movement like Women in Horror Month/Female Filmmaker Friday?
I feel it is important to give women in horror a platform to connect and showcase their talent. I love having a community of people who can share a common interest and bond over this genre.
What would you tell an up-and-coming creative in the world of horror who sees that being a woman/identifying as a woman as something that makes it so much more difficult at times?
Don’t limit yourself. You have to believe in yourself first, the rest will follow.
What are your favorite bits of helpful advice that you have received about your work or your field?
Don’t wait for anyone. Start making moves on your own. You have talent and skills, and you have to try to do what you can with what you have. The universe will align with you. Also, study your craft and study “the greats.”
In honor of celebrating other womxn creators, who do you believe viewers should keep an eye on in terms of the creative ladies in media?
Zena Dixon and Comika Hartford. These are incredible talented ladies and I love their work. They are also very supportive and encouraging.
What do you have coming soon that you can talk to us about?
Right now, I have a short film available on YouTube here.
And my podcast has new episodes every month here.
What do you hope to leave behind in your legacy as an artist?
I want to be able to say I provided representation to diverse groups in the horror genre and took horror to another level.
Pop them links to follow your work here:
Youtube Channel