There are still people out there that complain that wrestling is “completely fake”; I am always compelled to argue that wrestling is in fact not fake. In many ways the performers that wrestle give up their body and health to entertain. In Bret Hart’s case, it he gave up his livelihood, his self respect, and his family. “Wrestling with Shadows” is still a pretty sad and shockingly mesmerizing tale of one of the biggest athletes of the 1990’s and the incident that shook his world and nearly tore him apart.
“Wrestling with Shadows” is the biography of Bret “The Hitman” Hart, it’s a shocking, compelling, and sad tale of a man who was raised among a dynasty of professional wrestlers. Hart, raised in Canada, grew up to become “The Hitman,” one of the beloved wrestlers of the late 1980’s and most of the 1990’s. The crew behind the film follows Bret for a year as he navigates his life, and comes to terms with a career changing incident (and tragic death) that would completely change his and his family’s lives forever.
“Wrestling with Shadows” is about as honest a depiction of the wrestling lifestyle as you can get. It’s a passion based profession that takes a lot from its performers and often leaves them trying not to let it dictate the entirety of their lives. The documentary crew seemingly stumbles in to a big change in the sport when Bret becomes the victim of what would be called “The Montreal Screwjob,” a big sabotaging of a match that would enrage Bret. There are many moments where Bret is forced to maintain his composure in the face of so many shocking jolts to his personal life, and all he really has is the love of his wife Julie.
Julie would become the concrete foundation for Bret, as she spends most of her time watching and aiding him. All the while also berating those that seek to destroy what he’d worked so hard to accomplish. Much of the second half of the documentary revolves around Bret’s reaction to “The Montreal Screwjob” and being betrayed by many that he once trusted. It’s a gripping moment of the walls crashing down on such a mild mannered individual, especially in one scene where Julie confronts Bret’s co-workers, all of whom refuse to admit they took part in any of the events that occurred.
“Wrestling with Shadows” is a truly addictive and honest look at the highs and lows of professional wrestling, the cogs of mastering its skill set, and a true testament to the self-sacrifice involved in performing in such a dangerous sport.