David Lynch, one of the most monumental filmmakers of all time, has died. To say that I am devastated is an understatement. Because the man was so much more than a filmmaker to me. He was a doorway into art and beauty and soul. He was a mentor and father figure and shaman. He provided philosophy and council and entertainment. He was the sort of person that I aspired to be like, to the point where I’ve been subconsciously dressing like I was a character in one of his movies for last forty years. He influenced my taste in religion, food, music, movies, books, painting, sculpting, fashion, cars, and even architecture. No other filmmaker made me feel the way he did. No other filmmaker transformed me as much as he did. Without him, I would not be me. It’s as simple as that.
So I wanted to talk about his life and his movies and how he’s affected me as an artist and as a human being. So let’s talk about Eraserhead, because that’s where it all began.
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