X-Rated Alley: 42nd Street Forever The Peepshow Collection Vol. 15 & 16

xratedalley-logoFor folks that have been following “The Peep Show Collection” for the last few years, Impulse Pictures is back with two new volumes of loops on DVD. Porn and erotica aficionados will enjoy what Impulse has to offer followers of the vintage material, as it’s all still rough and poorly directed, but has a charm to it that’s hard to ignore. Impulse isn’t just about adult film, they also offer up hard to find material and these two volumes continue he tradition of “42nd Street Forever.”

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Angel III: The Final Chapter (1988)

Angel3Angel the prostitute with the heart of gold returns for the final installment (psst—not really) to investigate the disappearance of her long lost sister. For this even lower budget third part in the “Angel” saga, all of Angel’s colorful cohorts are gone, and the narrative suffers this time around because of it. Kit Carson and Solly are nowhere to be found, and Angel is pretty much just a free agent being led to the California strip, yet again. No longer a law student, Angel is now a freelance photographer who spends a lot of her nights running around with the police taking pictures of stings and busts for her paper.

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Avenging Angel (1985)

avengingangelThe saga of Angel the prostitute with the heart of gold and a thirst for vengeance reaches new levels of camp with “Avenging Angel.” While “Angel” wasn’t exactly high art, “Avenging Angel” makes the former film look like a John Ford Western by comparison. That’s not to say “Avenging Angel” is an awful movie. It’s just so deliriously stupid and absurd, and I couldn’t help but enjoy everything from the goofy protagonists we have to root for, to the shoddy stunt work. If you liked the transvestite fighting off the serial killer in “Angel,” prepare for two transsexuals getting in to a fist fight with two armed thugs. Try not to notice the stunt doubles wearing bad wigs during the fight scene.

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Dinosaur Valley Girls (1996)

DVG“Dinosaur Valley Girls” is a film I remember watching in the days of cable TV when it was a haven for bad films. Much of the nostalgia flashes back with what is a guilty pleasure that revolves around boobs and hammy acting. Tony Marco, an actor tired with the monotony of a mansion, fame, a gorgeous sex starved girlfriend, and a mistress, finds himself wanting more in life. Who could ask for anything more, eh? Well, for Tony, he desires much more, something more down-to-Earth, and natural—especially now that he’s haunted by dreams of a blonde cave woman.

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Captivity (2007)

CaptivityRoland Joffé’s “Captivity” is another title in the utterly exhausting torture genre from the early aughts that died in death grip of the heinously awful “Wolf Creek.” Dark Sky and Roland Joffé ape everything that garnered “Saw” success, along with gambling on and likely over-estimating Elisha Cuthbert’s appeal. “Captivity” is another torture film with a woman in peril that involves a masked madman in the shadows, and a young woman that must be forced to self reflect in a cheesy morality theme, all the while avoiding certain death under his traps.

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Angel (1984)

angel1984Robert Vincent O’Neill’s “Angel” is a fun mixture of a campy exploitation and a stern crime thriller that also conjures up some classic neo-noir overtones. The 1984 drama thriller about an under age prostitute trying to outwit a serial killer garners some clumsy plot elements but stands as a strong film overall. You’d figure it’d be distracting to be sucked in to a thriller starring a protagonist who hangs around an aged cowboy and a transvestite, but “Angel” gets the job done. Donna Wilkes gives a strong performance as young Molly Stewart, a high schooler by day who is also a prostitute by night.

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Zapped Again! (1990)

zappedagainThe follow up to “Zapped!” obviously wants to be thought of as a legacy follow up to the original Scott Baio movie but has none of the budget to pull off the fantasy we saw in the original. There almost seems to be no budget for our main character Kevin to pull off the infamous mind tricks, so a lot of his powers involve moving things very slowly with his minds, and often making people slap themselves. Even in the climax where we know we’ll see a reproduction of the original film’s climax, people instead rip their own clothes off rather than have the clothes ripped off by the main character. Pretty much a sequel in name only, “Zapped Again!” stars Todd Eric Andrews as Kevin.

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