
Ma and Pa Kettle On Film

One of the most successful film series of all time were the Ma and Pa Kettle comedies starring Marjorie Main and Percy Kilbride as a rustic couple who were always getting into some crazy trouble. On this episode of “The Online Movie Show,” we revisit those wonderful movies with Lon Davis, co-author of the new book “Ma and Pa Kettle on Film” (published by BearManor Media).

The episode can be heard here.


Harvey Korman: Number 1 Second Banana

Harvey Korman was one of the funniest supporting comedy actors of all time, brightening up the big and small screen with his memorable performances. On this episode of “The Online Movie Show,” the funnyman’s son and biographer Chris Korman discusses his father’s career and off-camera life.

The episode can be heard here.


The Cannon Film Guide: An 80s Odyssey

Get ready to relive the wild and wacky output of Golan and Globus’ Cannon Group, the most raucous movie studio of the 1980s! On this “Online Movie Show” episode, our guest is Austin Trunick, author of “The Cannon Film Guide: Volume 1.”

The episode can be heard here.