What Our “Awesome Mix” Playlist Would Look Like


Next month is the release of the blockbuster action film “Guardians of the Galaxy,” and it’s every damn bit as great as you’ve heard. It deserves its high praise and big box office. One of the key elements of the film that make up the character of Star Lord is his mixed audio cassette “Awesome Mix Vol. 1” which includes his favorite songs from the mid seventies to late eighties from when he was a child. It’s the sound track that is the icing to an already fantastic film. Like every other music lover we have our own list of songs we’d include in an “Awesome Mix,” so without further ado, here’s our playlist.

Let us know the songs for your “Awesome Mix” in the comments!

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Our 25 Favorite “The Beatles” Songs of All Time


It’s been almost thirty five years since John Lennon was murdered outside his home, and though his death was tragic and inhuman, Lennon’s spirit and artistic influence has lived on for decades. Lennon was a voice for peace and rallying people to think outside the box and question the status quo, and his influence began with his work in the Beatles as one of the most iconic, if not the most iconic rock band in music history. In celebration of Lennon’s memory, here are twenty five of the best The Beatles songs we’ve ever heard. I’d like to thank you on behalf of Cinema Crazed, and I hope I passed the audition.

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Best of Bond… James Bond: 50th Anniversary Collection (Digital)

I am by no means a James Bond fan. I am one of the few people in the world that have never seen an actual James Bond film in full. Granted, I am a big fan of Daniel Craig and Sean Connery, but the film series never called out to me. However while I am not a Bond fan nor have I ever seen an actual Bond film in full, I am very much aware of the music behind the Bond films.

For fans of the film series, “Best of Bond…” is a remarkable and utterly incredible compilation of the some of the best and most iconic Bond music ever made. From scores to soundtracks and themes, this music compilation has it all. And then some.

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Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) [Digital]

51GxG8HqDFLLike it or not, “Scott Pilgrim” is very representative of the current movement of a hipster generation that’s all about Asian/Canadian heavy pop culture, Diablo Cody, kitsch, classic video games, Michael Cera, Ellen Page, Juno, pseudo-eighties, Moldy Peaches, punk rock, and the like that’s suited for the geeks and freaks of the world and I’ve managed to full embrace it. Generation X is over and gone, and that was a movement I despised more than anything. I happen to love the feel of the modern films that promote the geeky hipster lifestyle with the outrageousness of a new culture that’s not afraid to be wacky or cooler than thou.

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"Mean Girls" Soundtrack (Digital)

Though I’ve yet to see the hit film “Mean Girls” I was fortunate enough to listen to the soundtrack. While my ventures into the soundtrack genre as of late has been lackluster, I was rather optimistic upon viewing the track list. Simply: I enjoyed this because it was a lot of fun. Obviously, aimed mostly at young girls ages 13-18 (parents break out your wallets!), this fluffy soundtrack to the critically acclaimed hit film “Mean Girls” will surely leave you with a cavity with the inoffensive songs, and catchy pop anthems sung by predominantly female recording artists.

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