
Hollywood: An Insider’s Perspective

It is the dream of millions to become a major player in Hollywood, but only a relatively few lucky souls are able to secure power positions in the film capital. On today’s show, Phil Hall gets a unique perspective on how to succeed in Hollywood from Summer Helene, executive vice president of California Pictures at Paramount and an award-winning film and television producer. This is a brutally honest and deeply funny program – take time to listen to this!

The episode can be heard here.

Film Craft: Producing [Paperback]

Authors Geoffrey Macnab & Sharon Swart provide readers with a true insight in to what being a producer means, and seek out to break all the stereotypes about producers as a whole. Producers, as the book sets out to explain, aren’t all Hollywood fat cats who seek to remind you about budget. Sometimes they can be collaborators with directors. Sometimes they can be even more passionate about a movie than the actual director working on the film. And sometimes they can inject ideas in to a film to help make it much more entertaining and or approachable to audiences.

Producers are working men and women just like the director and the screenwriter, and “Film Craft: Producing” is a book solely for cinephiles and movie buffs who want to learn more about the industry that carries with it an unfortunate stigma among movie fans who often blame poor quality of a movie on a producer. True, producers can be just suits who come on a set to remind directors about budget and time restraints, but they can be friends to the artist and “Producing” offers accounts from many noted producers, all of whom have brought something unique and specific to the table in terms of cinematic contributions and molding pop culture juggernauts alike.

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