
The Craving (1918)

Francis Ford is mostly recalled today as a character actor in his younger brother John Ford’s classic films, but back in the 1910s and 1920s he was a prominent leading man and director. Most of his films from his halcyon days are no longer available, but his 1918 feature “The Craving” is now available in a digitally restored presentation from film historian and preservationist Ben Model’s Undercrank Productions.
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A Corner in Wheat (1909)

Notable as being among D.W. Griffith’s earliest attempts to blend cinema and politics, the 1909 short film “A Corner in Wheat” depicted the rise of the “Wheat King,” a speculator who manages to corner the commodity market on wheat. His success brings him great wealth that is spent on opulent entertainment for his friends, while the farmers who grow the wheat are stuck in hardscrabble lives and the lower classes who cannot afford the price gouging by the Wheat King – the cost of bread loaves is hiked from five to ten cents, forcing many to go hungry. However, the triumph of his business ruthlessness occurs moments before a freak accident where he crushed to death in a grain silo.
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Western Wednesdays: Fight It Out (1920)

While Sandy Adams (Hoot Gibson) waits for the sheriff, three thugs, led by Slim Allen (Jim Corey) conspire to frame Duncan McKenna (Charles Newton) of rustling the sheriff’s cattle by branding them with McKenna’s brand. The sheriff returns to his office only to be greeted by Allen, whom tells the sheriff that McKenna has branded one of his calves. Adams overhears this conversation and rides off.
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Western Wednesdays: Bronco Billy’s Adventure (1911)

Lucy (Edna Fisher), the daughter of tavern owner Riley (Arthur Mackley) is seen flirting with her lover (Fred Church). Riley objects to the relationship, forbids the lover from ever seeing Lucy again and vows to kill him if he is ever seen on his property again. Moments later Broncho Billy (Broncho Billy Anderson) arrives at the tavern to take up lodging for the night. Riley and Billy share a drink and practice straight shooting together.
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Western Wednesdays: The Toll Gate (1920)


A group of bandits referred to as “The Raiders,” led by Black Deering (William S. Hart) are forced to vote on if they will retire or pull off one more job. Deering wants to quit, but his lieutenant Jordan (Joseph Singleton) has another heist planned for the group. The band of thieves decides to go ahead and take on one more job.
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