Are All Men Pedophiles? (2012)

If director Jan-Willem Breure’s documentary “Are All Men Pedohiles?” ever gets a wider distribution deal, it definitely needs a new title. The title of the film posits the film as a thesis about the potential for all men to be pedophiles in the making. In reality, Breure’s film is really about pedophilia as a while and what it means to be one and to identify one. The title makes the assertion that it tackles the potential for all men to be pedophiles, when Breure interviews all kinds of subjects about pedophilia. He even interviews female pedophiles during the mid-point of the movie. So while the title does in a sense tackle the theory that any attraction to children can be deemed as pedophilia, Breure offers the example that men and women can be pedophiles and have sexual attraction to children of all ages, hence the title is really a misnomer of a sorts.

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The Tunnel Dwellers of New York (2008)

4038657-lAs a lifelong native of the Bronx and New York, the older you get the more you begin to hear about the city and how there is an entirely different dimension behind the neighborhoods you see on a daily basis. If you look beyond Manhattan where the landmarks have all turned in to Disney attractions, if you look past the subways that create the illusion of sanitary conditions and safety, you’ll discover within the shadows and crevices of every construct that there is a hidden society beneath your feet.

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Flock of Dodos: The Evolution-Intelligent Design Circus (2006)

5316As an atheist and proponent of evolution, it really chaps my hide that a ludicrous fictional tale such as Intelligent Design would be created, and attempt to be accepted. What intelligent design is by sheer proof is the cowardice of Creationists. It’s a “theory” that was built to seem like science when really all it is, is creationism with a few pretty science terms thrown in for respectability. And what’s humorous is that creationists who shun science and evolution would invent a “theory” that reverts to science immediately. It all comes back to science.

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