The Dark Tower (2017)

“The Dark Tower” spends ninety minutes telling a story while doing almost nothing but dumping exposition on the audience. And yet, when the movie was over I knew as little about this world coming out than I did going in to it. With films like “Lord of the Rings,” and “Star Wars,” the creators manage to disseminate information and world build while also giving audiences an experience. “The Dark Tower” feels so under-developed and poorly developed, almost feeling like a truncated idea of what kind of movie series “The Dark Tower” was intended to be. I still don’t know what the Dark Tower is. I still don’t know who Roland Deschain is.

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Gunslingers (2024)

Director Jacob Thompson’s “Gunslingers” is a great modern ode to the classic movie western that explores the universal idea of the gunslinger. Although it might be a badge of honor to be considered the best gunslinger in the west, there will always be someone coming around challenging you. And that is a curse to bear that will end with someone buried underground.

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