Yorkiethon 6 

“We’re staying awake… so that they don’t get put to sleep.” 

As every year now, Adam Green and Joe Lynch get together and host what can be considered a sort of extension of their podcast The Movie Crypt for a good cause. Those who are familiar with it know that the Yorkiethon is now a yearly tradition where the two of them spend 48 hours awake starting on a Friday and ending the following Sunday. This is to raise funds for Save a Yorkie Rescue. This year, today in fact, the Yorkiethon is in full swing, having started on Friday the 10th at 5pm Pacific and ending on Sunday the 12th at 5pm Pacific.  

To listen, go to ArieScope.com, click on the Yorkiethon image, click on the live video to turn on the sound, and join in the fun. This year’s started with a talk with Bruce Campbell and Casey Tebo. Today saw a live commentary to Jakob’s Wife with Barbara Crampton and Travis Stevens. Later tonight, at 8pm Pacific, there will be a live reading of the first draft script for Back to the Future with a cast of horror greats including Tiffany Shepis, Sarah Nicklin, Graham Skipper, and many more. Sunday will bring it’s fun as well. So tune in, donate, and save the yorkies! 

There is also Arwen’s Silent Auction of amazing film and horror memorabilia and collectibles going on for the Yorkiethon where you can bid on items such as a Friday the 13th part 3D 1982 cast and crew jacket, Be a Hatchet Comics character, Creepshow 2 Ultimate Bundle, etc. Go place your bid on what could be the best Christmas gift under your tree! 

Donation link: https://www.gofundme.com/f/yorkiethon6 

Auction link: https://www.32auctions.com/yorkiethon6  

Save a Yorkie Rescue: https://www.saveayorkierescue.org/