Premiering at the LA Shorts International Film Festival, “Belief” directed by Christian Loubek is a very good short film about mothers. Christian Loubek’s drama is a great tribute to the big things and little things that our mothers make for us. Whether it’s the big things we see, or small things we don’t see, mothers sacrifice a ton and give up a lot of themselves to ensure enrichment for their children.
“Belief” chronicles the life of Lennox as he moves his family into their new home. In a moving box labelled ‘Mom’ he finds mementos of his childhood which garners a wave of nostalgia and learns something incredible about the only woman in his life for a long time. While young Lennox is rejected from school for being too intelligent, and forced to stay home and being home schooled, all he really remembers is staying home with his mom, learning new things and meeting people that he never particularly paid attention toward. Loubek’s short unfolds in a non-linear style, relying a lot flashbacks to various periods of his life where he realized various aspects about who he is was because of his mother.
Christian Loubek works a lot with memories and how we can also tend to view reality through rose tinted glasses.