Independent Effects Artist and Scare Actress Tiffany Manning [Women In Horror Month 2022]

Tiffany Manning is an independent artist who loves to create monsters and scares as an effects artist and scare actress, here she is in her own words.

Please introduce yourself:
Hello, my name is Tiffany Manning. Born and raised in Ohio. I’m 27yrs old and I’ve been a woman of horror ever since I can remember. Probably since the early age of 4 years old after my first of 19 surgeries when I awoke with stitches and related to Frankenstein’s monster and he forever became one of my favorite works of cinema magic. My love for the stitched monster only grew as my number of stitches grew when my disease Osteogenesis Imperfecta also known as brittle bones disease required me to have corrective surgeries due to fracturing almost every bone in my body hundreds of times.

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Celebrating Women in Horror Month 13! [Women In Horror Month 2022]

Welcome! As is now tradition at Cinema Crazed, we will be celebrating Women in Horror Month all month long in this lovely month of March. As we made the move to from February to March last year, this seems like a good thing to keep going and we will do so as long as we can. 

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Dark Stars Rising: Conversations from the Outer Realms (Paperback)

I was most elated when I was able to get my hands on author Shade Rupe’s lengthy compendium of peeks in to the sub-cultural icons we know as cult figures today. Though all of the individuals in Rupe’s book are prolific and iconic, they don’t nearly garner as much attention as they deserve to. While many would be quick to pass this off as a book filled with interviews, the truth is “Dark Stars Rising” is a compilation of mini-biographies for stars, or people we consider stars, that deserve a spotlight. While author Rupe could have easily passed off lazy articles for a non-fiction book, all of the chapters profiling Rupe’s subjects are comprehensive to a startling degree, painfully honest and blunt, and stand as mini-biographical in-depth explorations in to the many cult stars Rupe is lucky and determined enough to interview and admire with professionalism.

Never about appealing to the mainstream, but more spotlighting the stars behind the shadows, author Rupe takes it upon himself to interview some of the most controversial figures in pop culture, some of the most derided filmmakers in film, and many of the most underground and cult individuals who have yet to see their relevance dwindle.

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iconoclasts.big_Sundance continues its streak of providing its core audience with programming that is both thought-provoking, intelligent and entertaining all at the same time, while presenting the theme of movies and subversiveness Robert Redford sought to doing when he created Sundance. In the six part documentary series “Iconoclasts”, celebrities don’t interview celebrities, in “Iconoclasts”, a person who has made an influence in the entertainment, art, or political industry are able to profile their hero, or personal hero whom they admire and not only interview them, but we get a glimpse in to that artist or icon, if you will, and what they’re so used to doing that has garnered them such a prolific reputation.

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