The Walking Dead #54

And so we enter in to our new storyline involving three new characters and… I’m pleased. Thanks to pulling some strings with fellow comic freak Brian Pittman on Cinema crazed I was able to read Issue 54 without a problem and as stated, I’m pleased about where it’s going because the series was kind of in a rut when last we met our dwindling group of survivors. What will happen now that two survivors have showed up at the farm? Are they enemies or allies? And How far will ths struggle proved to go now that their xenophobia has provided the group with understandable but extremely paranoid situations?

As for the man with the handlebar mustache? His name is Abraham and I I really like him so far; he’s Rick mixed with Tyreese sans the emotional attachments. I like that they’re going for an explanation, just I’m not sure I’d like if that was the official origin of the undead. They seem to rely on the maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t explanation so I’m glad. But if Kirkman is seriously going to explain what created such a speedy zombie apocalypse then he’d better own up to this fake out or shut up.

I honestly don’t want to know why when and how this zombiocalypse began so Kirkman and co. are treading on egg shells with truck if he seeks to grab an honest reaction to his alleged origin of the walking dead virus. As all the issues, the art is absolutely haunting and meant as more filler material instead of getting forward motion. Everyone among the group is given very little dialogue and ones who do speak up really don’t matter when you take in the intense revelation that the trio not only seem to know more about survival than anyone else in the group, but also seems to know how to bring down walking corpses without so much a wasted bullet among them.

I love how Abraham takes down a bunch of zombies with a machete and a pitchfork and explains the sound echo each of the live creates when they dare to fire off a shot. So Issue 54 is definitely a win and is just some meat there to usher in the mobilie survival unit. Because even the most common zombie aficionado knows that staying still for so long is a definite mistake waiting to happen. I look forward to seeing what new characters we’ll see and what this trio will bring to the cause in the last of humanity. Thanks Brian.