Coffee Break Screenwriter: Writing Your Script Ten Minutes At A Time (Paperback)

Pilar Alessandra is thinking about the busy writer, the writer who doesn’t have time to sit down every day and write their novels or screenplays. Some of us actually have a day job to pull, but also have the aspirations to write a screenplay. Too often have I’ve heard someone who aspired to create their own screenplay but just didn’t have the time or drive. Alessandra takes that aspiration and fuels it with the ability to write a screenplay in ten minutes at a time. Not only that, but she also teaches you to micro-manage your tasks and create small windows of opportunities to write your scripts within the ten minutes that can guarantee you a perfect script you always envisioned from the get go.

Where to go from there that’s up to you, but getting the script done is a step forward. Picking up the book will cost you ten minutes and fifteen bucks, matched with the ten minutes reading each chapter, along with the ten minutes writing the script after reading the chapters for ten minutes and you have a mathematical formula I couldn’t possibly figure out but is nonetheless an approach toward accomplishing the goal to get a script done.

“The Coffee Break Screenwriter” actually does have some useful tips for the time crunched aspiring writer, and Alessandra shows the reader how to take these seemingly large tasks and bring them in to a world filled with memos, notes where broad characters can be turned in to complex and multi-dimensional individuals during a process of fine tuning and re-writing, all of which can be done with the tasks conveyed toward the reader who may find the tasks so useful they’ll move on to task two immediately after task one has been completed. I had a good time reading “The Coffee Break Screenwriter” as it genuinely has a service to contribute to aspiring screewriters out there looking to get a screenplay off the ground in the middle of their workaday world where they’re in need of something more beyond monotony.