Having its world premiere at the LA International Short Film Festival, director Felipe Marinheiro’s short romance is a cute but interesting short about the ideas of fate, and whether or not destiny exists. There’s always that concept of ignorance being bliss and the protagonist of “Fuck You, Cupid” decides to tempt fate.
Ultimately upset by the breaking up of her boyfriend, Luna seeks out a psychic Madam Maira who puts a spell on him, prompting him to fall back in love with her. But as soon as she begins to doubt her love for him, she wonders that if she destroys the spell, did he actually love her at all? Approaching the psychic, she demands that the spell be broken, but she also begins to feel small tinges of doubt. Did he ever love her? Did the spell work?
Did her willingness to seek him out cause him to change his mind on his own? Maybe it’s better that she doesn’t know. “Fuck You, Cupid” is a sweet and interesting take on the whole idea of just unconditional love and how sometimes it can run out. Madison Vice and Starla Caldwell are very good in their respective roles, and director Marinheiro does a solid job combining mysticism, and complex ideas about love and infatuation.