We talked with Dennis Flippin, an up and coming filmmaker who recently directed the short comedy “Flatters” about a man who falls in love with a fervent Flat Earther. “Flatters” is currently making its way around the festival circuit.
For our readers, please introduce yourself.
My name is Dennis Flippin. I was Born in New Jersey and raised in Colorado. Growing up, I had an interest in electronics/gadgetry, sports and photography.
What inspired you to make “Flatters”?
I was inspired first by a script written by Doug Wyckoff called Flatters and my own personal experience with a friend who is a flat earth believer.
How Long did it take to make “Flatters”?
This is a tough question because the project was worked on periodically, but I would say we shot over 3 days.
Are you familiar with the whole “Flat Earth” debate? If so, how long have you known about it?
When we started filming I was not that familiar although I do have a flat earth friend and we did have heated debates over his belief in earth being flat. But Since then, I’ve joined a lot of flat earth facebook groups, and I’ve learned a lot to say the least.
What inspired your penning of “Flatters”?
Cultivating a project like this came out of the necessity to create. To create something in the space in which I was living in, which at the time was an RV park.
What’s one thing you’d like for audiences to take away from “Flatters”?
To laugh and feel good about their lives.
Who or what inspired your love for filmmaking?
I would say my stepfather and my uncle. At a young age they passed their- passion for film on to me. Both actors and growing up as a family we spent a lot of time watching movies. One of our favorite past times is quoting movie quotes.
Are You Working in any other genres or have aspirations to?
I love most genres and l love to laugh so comedy with a splash of action but dramas are also very appealing.
Who are some of the directors or writers that you look up to and who do you want to bring attention to in your field or others?
Tough question but Terrence Malik, Jordan Peele and Paul Haggis come to mind.
What are you currently working on that you can tell us about?
I’m currently shooting a feature length action flick and in pre-production for a drama about a mute kid that wants to become a rapper. Also, we are in the beginning stages of the feature length movie version of Flatters.
What advice do you have for aspiring filmmakers or creators?
Don’t give up, protect your creativity, make movies.