Hack/Slash #15 Featuring Re-Animator Part 1 of 3

514192-0000As if “Hack/Slash” didn’t have enough potential in the horror genre to be fixed to any of the slasher characters, creator Tim Seely and Devil’s Due are finally teaming her up with the unexpected but surprisingly apt Herbert West, a character who seems perfectly at home in this series. Especially when he manages to re-animate Cassie Hack’s mom/slasher The Lunch Lady. Ooh, he’s a bastard is what he is. I’ve been anxious to read this team-up since it was announced a few months ago, and part one of this three parter is finally here in thirty one pages of horrific glory.

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Hack/Slash & Suicide Girls: Murder Suicide

HackSlashAnnualB“You should not dis internet boobies, yes?” – Vlad

Cassie Hack and the Suicide Girls go together like mud and naked women wrestling. It’s a perfect fit. Tim Seely’s quasi-Gothic angst ridden monster hunter has finally come across the group of Suicide Girls, alternative, punk rock web models who are absolutely beautiful and popular among enthusiasts of tasteful erotica. This cross promotional stint has been rather entertaining and “Murder Suicide” is no exception. At thirty seven pages, “Murder Suicide” is the right balance of comedy, horror, and memorable innovation that has made me a big fan of this franchise since it started.

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Hack/Slash: The Series #13

448671-magus_technarchOkay, when the hell did Cassie Hack become Clint Eastwood?

I’m all for Cassie kicking ass and taking names, but “Hack/Slash #13” is very self aware to the point where Cassie and Vlad aren’t even themselves. There’s no vulnerability in Cassie, no sense that she’s a plumber doing a job. She’s spouting wise cracks and one liners everywhere, and hurling some of the cheesiest trash talk I’ve ever read. And Vlad is almost too intelligent for his own good. Where is the Vlad who talks like Bizarro? Why is Vlad suddenly Sherlock Holmes while Cassie plays second fiddle? Why is Cassie becoming an action movie star?

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