Legion Of Superheroes: Volume 3 (DVD)

It was probably a god send that “Legion” was cancelled, because three seasons in, the series was making very little progress in the way of storylines. With the constantly shuffling characters, and tonal changes, “Legion” could never really decide what it wanted from audiences, and the addition of Chameleon Boy shows that. His sudden introduction in Season Three with his smart ass personality left the show feeling painfully uneven as most of the characters felt very self aware and stern while Chameleon was often spouting one liners and nothing else.

Factor in that his comic relief is almost never funny, and you have a formula for disaster. There’s also Kell El, whose continued presence on the show turned Superman in to an irrelevant aspect of the series and that’s also thanks to the continued Superboy lawsuit where the creators opted to take out Superman and bring in a piss poor substitute. There’s also villains that are evil for the sole purpose of being evil and the sudden disappearance of Bouncing Boy as team leader.

All in all, it’s a good thing this was replaced for a better series like “Spectacular Spider-Man.” As for the DVD, there are zero extras. Boo!  It’s almost as if this was slapped together in the last minute, because if you’re looking for extras, you’re out of luck. Volume 3 is an okay DVD with some good episodes from “Legion.” I may have liked the series, but I really didn’t lament its cancellation. The shoddy DVD proves that it was never long for this world, anyway.