The Zeta Project: Season One (DVD)

There’s only one other science fiction series I can think of that manages to be half as good and exciting as “The Zeta Project” and that’s “Reboot.” The series, now on a special edition DVD, “The Zeta Project” is a spin off of the critically acclaimed “Batman Beyond.” His story in the aforementioned series is pretty much the same as the one told here. Zeta is an android who has the ability to change appearances which allows him to remain in the general population without being detected.

His introduction in “Batman Beyond” happens to be one of the best episodes of the series; so good was it that it eventually branched out on its own. Sadly, the series didn’t last very long on the WB Network here in America and the characters were shun in to obscurity.  Looking back at the format thanks to this great long overdue DVD series, it’s still a fun and exciting sci-fi series very much in the vein of “The Fugitive” following a robotic unit intended for war who suddenly gains a conscious.

This leads his rogue behavior as a national threat to the US and he becomes wanted by the authorities. No matter where he travels, he’s wanted by the law, and must depend on his cunning and street wise partner Ro to help him survive all assassination attempts. The reality here is the same as the one in “Batman Beyond” and this is proven by Batman’s inevitable guest spot on the show to boost ratings.  Why he never remained a fixture in the Bruce Timm DCverse is baffling especially when an equally powerful hero like Static Shock was accepted and became apart of the mythos. “The Zeta Project” is granted a grade A treatment from Warner who never ceases to stun me when it comes to their releases of classic cartoons from the nineties and it’s a well deserved home release. “The Zeta Project” hasn’t waned in quality even after so many years; the voice work is tight, the animation is simple but in keeping with the tone, and there’s a heavy argument for a film adaptation.

For people looking for a classic chase series that borders on brilliant at times, you don’t have to look very far. I always felt this show needed to hit the store shelves and I’m glad it finally did. Thanks Warner! Apart from that we’re given a two disc edition that features six full uncut episodes and “Zeta,” a fifteen minute look at the creation and development of the series that imparts some interesting insight as to why the series is still such a strong concept to this day. There are interviews with the creators, the directors, and we even get an interview with star Julie Nathanson who plays heroine Ro. It’s a great little extra that gathers wonderful trivia for those interested. On Disc Two we have the remaining six episodes of the compilation and get to explore Zeta with two episodes of “Batman Beyond.”

“Zeta” is where the character first appeared as an intended Frankenstein monster, a product of war and rage who builds a conscious, and “Countdown” an appearance by the new Zeta and his pal Ro as they team up with Batman venturing out of their own show. All in all it’s a great purchase for anyone looking for “The Fugitive” a la the distant future.
I still think that “The Zeta Project” is surefire material for a sweet science fiction film in the vein of “Minority Report,” but since that will never happen the two disc set is good enough for those people looking for some good science fiction masquerading as children’s fare. It’s just a great set.