I would have loved to be a fly on the wall during the pitch meeting for “Giantess Attack vs. Mecha-Fembot!” I imagine that it involved hastily written cocktail napkins stapled together as a script, some cheap martinis, a randomizer that picked names of various porn stars out of some huge list Full Moon has stored in a database. For all intents and purposes, they manage to squeeze by barely on an hour long movie that really isn’t a movie. It’s a movie in the traditional sense, but the whole idea of giant women fighting is a framework for a lot of comedy skits.
Some of them land, and most of them flat out flop. There’s the incessant referral to the hotline 867-5309 (get it?), and a gag involving the “Scy Fly” channel. There’s also a solid spoof of the animal charity commercials that just goes on way too long like those actual ads. And for some reason the movie begins spoofing Katey Segal of all people. I imagine the actress portraying her boasted about being able to impersonate her and they just included it to fill up time. Considering she hasn’t been involved with “Married with Children” for almost twenty years, I imagine the target audience won’t really get the gag.
In either case, Jeff Leroy drops all pretenses and just runs with the whole giant buxom women kink. For a whole hour there are giant shots of bare feet, and small men walking on women’s bare shoulders, small men being smothered between two women’s cleavage, and one is even swallowed whole. It’s all fairly obvious innuendo, and if you’re worried about missing out on details of the intricate complex mythology, the movie includes flashbacks for an exposition dump, so you can catch up with all the nuanced plot twists.
There’s a lot of green screen, and miniatures, a lot of really bad extras, and even a scene where it was obvious people weren’t aware they were being filmed. It’s all bullet proof schlock more suited for the morbidly curious.