42nd Street Pete on the Closing of the Two Boots Pioneer

So it’s finally done. Nostalgiac films are only available for homes with massive theatrical treatment and many, many independent fillmakers are being given to expose their movies exclusive, thanks to the economy and severe lack of interest. It’s a really rough bit of news but 42nd Street Pete explained what happened and why the future of more revival theaters is just wishful thinking.

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42nd Street Blues: Waiting for the Second Revival

The “Grindhouse Review Fest” originally began back in 2007, when, to ring in the arrival of the much anticipated “Grind House,” we spent an entire month reviewing grindhouse flicks of old and new. And we had a blast. And so did our readers apparently, since the hits on Cinema Crazed jumped considerably around this period. So this year, we decided to do it again. With more movies, a small time crunch, and much better planning, we’ve gathered classic Grindhouse and Neo-Grindhouse from independent filmmakers, and brought to you the 2nd Annual Grindhouse Review Fest. And just to show you that we’re not fucking around with this occasion, we posed a survey to ourselves and to our gracious contributors to show that we absolutely adore grindhouse and all of its sub-genres from sexploitaiton, to nazisploitation. And we hope you love what contributors Lillian Patterson, William Garcia, and I, Felix Vasquez, have to say about Grindhouse movies, and why it’s one of our favorite hobbies as movie lovers.

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"King of the Grindhouse" 42nd Street Pete: The Deuce, Stag, and The New School

Movie lovers already know who 42nd Street Pete is, he’s a man you’ll either love or hate, who has spent most of his life talking about and writing about movies. That’s our kind of man. Simply known as 42nd Street Pete, he is a connoisseur of trash cinema and has an encyclopedic knowledge of everything from stag films right down to Hammer, and loves sharing his insight about what he’s experienced. Pete, even at the height of his cult fame interviewing Joe Knetter and George Romero, garnering a following, and sporting almost ten specialty compilation DVDs with his brand name, the man was still kind enough to take the time out for an interview and share his sights and sounds with us for the readers. Pete is extremely humble for a man who has seen and done it all, and at his fifties he doesn’t seem to be slowing down. You’ll find no shortage of opinions from Pete who constantly rants on his MySpace blog about social issues, and saves the movie stuff for his two very entertaining websites, where he mixes movie reviews with his own personal anecdotes on how and why he found them.

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