The Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 5: Wildfire

One thing I love about “Wildfire” is there’s just so much exhaustion and emotional stress, coupled with the heat that you can just feel the characters are on the verge of cracking. It’s bad enough no one has had time to sleep, but now they’ve lost the Atlanta camp after the vicious zombie raid in “Vatos.” You can sense that all real logic and common sense has been depleted in a hail of shock, as the general mind set is summed up through Andrea and her refusal to leave the body of her sister Amy.

While his methods aren’t the most likable, Daryl Dixon is the only person in the group who seems to be working with some sense of reality on his side. Despite losing Merle, he understands that the bodies of Amy, and their fallen friends could jump start another walker uprising destroying the rest of the survivors. “Wildfire” is a lot of the characters walking around and processing the events of the night before, with occasional moments of real compelling drama.

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The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 7: Crossed

If anything, Rick and Carol have shown that grief in the zombie apocalypse is for suckers. Two characters in this episode are suffering grief and commit really stupid mistakes that end up becoming liabilities to everyone around them. While Sasha’s big mistake in the final scene was the definition of gullibility, you have to laugh at Father Gabriel escaping the church only to be stuck by a nail on his foot.

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The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 6: Consumed

As is typical with “The Walking Dead,” much of the fans’ petty bitching and nitpicking about past episodes are addressed in what is one of the more haunting episodes of the season yet. “Consumed” is much more low-key and disquieting than the last five episodes and I appreciate how the focus is now pitted on Daryl and Carol, while also expanding on Carol Peletier’s back story. It’s a great thing too that Norman Reedus and Melissa McBride have excellent chemistry, as this episode could have immediately jumped in to filler territory. McBride has been fantastic on the series since day one, and Reedus can work off of anyone, so their dynamic is priceless.

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The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 4: Slabtown

I’m not sure I entirely enjoyed “Slabtown” if only for the fact that while Beth has always been an interesting character, she’s not really going to go anywhere. I don’t really see this arc with Beth ending on a light note. In fact I foresee this being the final episodes with Beth in this zombie apocalypse. While it will suck not seeing the utterly gorgeous and talented Emily Kinney anymore, I think it might just be the sacrifice that’s worth it. While I don’t particularly agree with the methods that are practiced in this dictatorial and exploitative safe haven, the leader of the pack Dawn makes some interesting points about Beth’s survival. Ever since we met Beth, everyone’s priority has been about saving her and placing her in a higher priority. Beth has always been rescued, but she’s barely done anything to really pay people back.

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The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 5: Self Help

“Self Help” belongs to Abraham Ford, and it’s a good thing too. Michael Cudlitz is a ridiculously underrated character actor, and his performance as Ford has been stellar. We didn’t just need someone who looked the role, but portrayed the immense charge of the militant character, and Cudlitz brings his A game for this episode in particular. Another great episode in a (so far) fantastic season, we meet Abraham’s group, now on the road only hours after the confrontation at the church. Everyone is still rattled from the vicious slaughter. Eugene in particular is grief stricken about Gabriel and how his cowardice really wasn’t that much of a sin, all things considered.

For fans of the comics, this episode was a long time coming.

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Top 10 Greatest Zombies Part Two


We cap off Halloween Horror Month 2014 by celebrating Day of the Dead with “The Top 10 Greatest Zombies” Part Two. Felix Vasquez Jr. offers his top five Zombie Slayers to take on the nasty horde of the sometimes evil, sometimes misunderstood walkers.

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The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 13: Alone

One thing I keep wondering is when the survivors are going to learn never to get too comfortable. Comfort breeds complacency, and complacency gets you killed. Granted, the scene in the funeral home was terrifying, but you just don’t open a door to a safe haven. Even if you have the chance to lure in a cute little dog from out of danger. “Alone” is now less focused on the one set of characters and scattering its narrative more and more. With only three episodes left, there are bound to be a lot more questions. All in all, “Alone” is a fine if flawed episode, and much more cohesive than last week.

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