One of the more notable episodes coming up on the History Channel’s “10 Days That Unexpectedly Changed America” event, is the exploration of “The Scopes Monkey Trial”. The upcoming series from the History Channel involves ten episodes exploring ten fateful days that changed the landscape of American culture and history, and they examine truly relevant events that changed our way of thinking from the gold rush, and the emergence of rock music in to conservative culture.
One of the events chronicled here in the great series is The Scopes Monkey Trial which would later inspire the great Arthur Miller to write one of his most amazing plays “Inherit The Wind”. As someone who has been immersed in the incredibly volatile debate brewing in our country about creationism vs. evolution, I decided to watch the Scopes episode first. “10 Days” is a series that is a mixture of a documentary, a chronicle, and filmed sequences by film directors from David Helbroner of “Southern Comfort”, to award-winning documentary director Bruce Sinofsky and it’s a major event for the History Channel.
Religion and science is an ongoing battle that may very well go all the way in to the end of human existence. Some people prefer to think we were born of logical origin, and some prefer to think were born in the image of a god, and what happened around this time was that people were so against the theory of evolution that they arrested John Scopes as a scapegoat to make an example of him. From this came William Jennings Brian who was a devout Christian, and Clarence Darrow an evolutionist and agnostic who came to his friend John’s defense. This material even without the help of Arthur Miller is engrossing plain and simple.
What’s so good about the series “10 Days” is their episodes are paralleled to issues that are important today, in some way or another. And the “Scopes” episode is representative of the ongoing debate of creationism and evolutionism today that has and continues splitting America. The series also explores both sides of the issues, scrutinizing both Darrow and Brian. Upcoming episodes for “10 Days” including “When America Was Rocked” concerning the rock influence on Conservative America, and “Gold Rush” about the California Gold Rush.