Margaux (2022)

It is unbelievable how ridiculous “Margaux” is. When you approach a movie about a technologically advanced house that decides to off the residents, you can expect some level of absurdity but Steven C. Miller really goes for the throat, here. “Margaux” watches like a feature length approach of “The Ultrahouse 3000” sketch from “The Simpsons”; except it’s not as funny and ten times as idiotic. At least “The Ultrahouse 3000” was a satire and dark comedy, but “Margaux” plays everything deadpan. Director Miller plays so much of what unfolds with such a straight face, you have to eventually wonder if he’s just jerking the audience around.

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Now That You’ve Seen “M3GAN,” Watch These Five Films

Thankfully “M3GAN” has managed to live up to the hype it built throughout 2022, and has managed to also accumulate a strong slew of positive reviews and quite the profit at the box office. With a sequel underway, you probably can’t wait until the follow up. So if you have an appetite for more robots gone amok entertainment, here are five great movies that feature killer robots, haywire AI, and deadly androids that will keep you comfy until M3GAN 2.0 (?).

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The Time Guardian (1987) [Blu-Ray]

Brian Hannant’s “The Time Guardian” is about as vintage straight to video science fiction as it can get. It’s a low budget, serviceable genre entry with a hodgepodge of (what feel like) recycled concepts that never quite gel together, and sadly never comes together even by the time the climax rolls around. It’s “Back to the Future,” “Battlestar Galactica,” “Star Wars,” and “Terminator” all rolled in to one big Ozploitation mélange. At its best it’s only kind of charming in fleeting moments; at its worst, it’s absolutely dull late night cable fodder.

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