The Chronicles of Riddick (2004)

url19The ultimate question one has to ask with this film is, was Riddick popular enough to base a franchise around? A cool character from an obscure forgettable science fiction film? The only memorable character whom many people refer to as “That cool guy from Pitch Black”? Did they do testing to see if people would respond to Riddick? Not likely, but my more realistic idea is that Diesel needed a hit so he went with his career making character as Stallone and Schwarzenneger are doing to re-claim their popularity.

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Pitch Black (2000)


This starts off with a sequence of a woman narrating and showing the crew of the ship in their pods as they enter what looks like Saturn’s atmosphere. So for some reason they crash on the planet and much of the crew is dead, but what’s left of the crew must survive. But there’s one problem, the vicious criminal they had captive in the ship has escaped and is on the run. The crew is looking for him, but strange things start happening as they scour the planet. They discover creatures that inhabit the planet. They live in the dark. They’re safe for now because the planet has three suns… or are they?

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