Jackass Forever (2022)

“Jackass Forever” is exactly the kind of movie that we need right now. In a world where everything is so dark, it’s kind of fun to see Johnny Knoxville return with the gang to just do dumb crap for ninety minutes. The virtually critic proof “Jackass Forever” is kind of a sequel and reboot of the series that brings back so much of the cringe inducing, horrendous stunts that we’re used too, all the while introducing us to some brand new members in the process.

There really isn’t a lot to “Jackass Forever” except good laughs and a great time, when all is said and done. After many years without the gang being together, Johnny returns with his old buddies (and some new buddies) to just do ridiculous stunts for ninety minutes. There’s a bittersweet undertone to “Jackass Forever” as you can feel the spirit of the late Ryan Dunn with every laugh and prank pulled. Plus it’s fascinating seeing members like Johnny and Steve-O laugh at every fall and tumble and think back to when they were so much younger. There’s a stunning emphases on testicles this time around, as Knoxville bases a lot of his stunts on the testicular region for the film. There’s a stunt involving a bee hive and one involving boxing gloves; it’s both painful and hilarious.

It also goes to show how far the guys will go with one another without crossing lines. They’ll chase after each other with live tasers, but at one point refuse to grab a live scorpion from new member Rachel’s chest without her consent. There are other hysterical pranks and skits staged including a surprise attack in a pitch black room, hang gliding in to cacti, and a skit involving a scorpion. Knoxville and the legacies open the door for six new members of the group which includes Jasper Dolphin, his dad Compston “Darkshark” Wilson, Eric Manaka, the first female Rachel Wolfson, Zach Holmes, and Sean McInerney, respectively.

They all manage to grab their spotlight and have a great time diving head first in to some painful material, including Jasper who is never afraid to put his body through pure hell for the sake of entertainment. I wish we’d seen more from the celebrity guest stars, as people like Eric Andre appear to do virtually nothing. That said, “Jackass Forever” is a hilarious, breezy return to the Jackass series, and will likely even convert a new generation of fans in the process.

I say that as someone who used to adamantly despised the series for years.