Dicks That I Like (2022) [Slamdance 2024]

The Slamdance Film Festival runs Digitally and In-Person from January 19th to January 28th.

“Dicks That I Like” from Johanna Gustin is a great documentary about taking back the power and re-claiming the whole phallic symbol once and for all. Embracing the phallic object fro the men that made their lives miserable, a group of women are able to find a sense of catharsis and take back some sense of control.

With visual artist Daniela Torres, we visit her as she explains her idea for making dick sculptures and what initially inspired her to pursue the hobby. Torres is a woman who has been through the wringer with men in her life, many of whom have made her miserable, but she’s used her keen sense of memory to sculpt their dicks and put them on display. She attracts a group of other women, all whom bond over sculpting dicks from the men in their lives, some of whom have moved on and some are still there.

While it’s not explained in full whose phallic members they’re molding, it’s an interesting reversal of the whole revenge porn concept, while also releasing the deep seated frustrations at men that affected them greatly.