It's Sally's World: We're Just Living In It – Interview with April Monique Burril

sallyTheir names are JimmyO Burril and April Monique Burril, two of the most hardcore horror fans on the web, and they happen to be the June and Ward Cleaver of the underground horror syndicate. These two madly in love folks have joined together for their label Forbidden Pictures to bring horror fans “Chainsaw Sally,” a horror sitcom that began as a web series, made the trek to DVD, and is now being backed by Troma Pictures who have turned the character in to one of their own legions of anti-heroes joining the ranks of Toxie, and Kabuki Cop.

JimmyO Burril is the critically acclaimed indie director whose own relationship with his wife April Monique and their friend film legend Debbie Rochon have granted him major notice from horror buffs across the world while wife April Monique Burril is the insanely sexy (read: dear god, what a stunner!) and sultry Chainsaw Sally, the maniacal chainsaw wielding star of JimmyO’s series. In front of the camera they bring us a world featuring a demented family woman who doesn’t mind offing people if it gets them out of her hair, behind the camera, they’re just a humble and kind married couple with a big family and a demented sense of humor you can’t help but be endeared by.

After being sent their DVD’s to review for the site we were instantly enamored by the gruesome twosome and had to have a chat with the horror vixen and her madman of a husband. In the midst of speedy and hectic production for “Chainsaw Sally: Season Two” along with rabid publicity for the new season which will feature even more cameos from other horror icons, director JimmyO and muse April Monique took the time out for an interview to promote their latest foray in to the horror world and what we can expect from Sally Diamon and her crew.

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Hacking at the Bone: Interview with Tim Seeley

Creator Tim Seeley, a confessed horror geek with a talent for satisfying the horror geeks who flock to Devil’s Due currently announced a pact with the fantastic alt model website Suicide Girls, pairing the eponymous Cassie Hack, with the gorgeous Suicide Goth’s and punks. Seeley, still reeling from the New York Comic Con was kind enough to talk with “Rot Your Brain” and yours truly (a Seeley and Hack/Slash fan) about upcoming issue developments, and what this pact will bring fans of old and new.

So, firstly, thank you very much for agreeing to this interview, Mr. Seeley. “Hack/Slash” is one of my favorite horror comics.
Thanks, no problem!

How did the New York Comic Con go?
Heh, I actually had a pretty miserable time! I had some kind of hellish space virus or something, so I was sick the whole time I was there. Man, nothing is lamer than sitting in a hotel room in Times Square watching AMC. Not to mention that my nose started running like crazy during a video interview! But, I’m feelin’ better now.

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The Notorious Bettie Page (2005)

It’s as if someone took a picture of my fantasies and plastered them on-screen. Bettie Page in the form of Gretchen Mol. It’s almost like a gift to me, and yes I’m vain enough to think this film is a gift to me. It features two of the most beautiful women who ever lived combined, along with one hell of a fantastic movie to boot. I was glad this wasn’t just a case of watching Mol as Page for ninety minutes. There’s a story, there’s great direction, and there’s actual commentary. “The Notorious Bettie Page” is yet another ninety minute bit of speculation on Ms. Page’s life, because it’s a known fact, no one is very sure of what really happened in her life from a child to her disappearance from society’s mainstream. But then again, Harron’s film is not an attempt to delve into the secrets and demons of Paige, too much. It’s instead a sweet, risqué, and entertaining celebration of the woman known as Bettie Page. Page, as you should know by now, is quite possibly one of the most revered pin-up models of all time.

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