The Disaster Art of “The Room” And Making Movies

Returning to theaters with a special “celebration” screening for one night only on June 27th; tickets for the event can be purchased at Fathom Events in participating theater box offices. Some locations are subject to change.

Back in 1999, my uncle was clearing out his old stuff and decided to give me his old camcorder. At that time, I was probably seventeen. I decided I wanted to become a filmmaker. He’d had this old camcorder from the early 1980’s that had no sound, was color (I use the word loosely), and could only really attach to the VCR if you wanted to film with it. In either case, I’d decided to play with it for a while and then staged a short film with my brother and sister. It was the three of us in the middle of the night filming a horror movie in my small bed room. We ended up with about a four minute video. The four minute “short film” had taken us about eight hours to film, overall.

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Today’s ridiculous regal refuse is very special to me. I first heard of this film almost twenty years ago after I mentioned to a friend that I was having a lot of fun watching weird oddball stuff like Zardoz, Exorcist II, or The Manitou. He then proceeded to give me one of those “YOU GOTTA WATCH THIS!!!” speeches, suggesting the title that I’ll be reviewing today. It is a true powerhouse of trash that went on to redefine what bad movies were for the internet age of fanboys and film bros. And so I present to you THE ROOM.

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