Halloween Horror Month 2021 Has Begun! Don’t Forget to Wear You Masks!

It’s our favorite time of year, October! It’s the time where we begin celebrating our favorite holiday of the year. The holiday goes by many names including Samhain, Hallowe’en, All Soul’s Day, Allhalloween, All Hallows’ Eve, All Saints’ Eve, or just Halloween. Whatever you celebrate it as, however you celebrate it, it’s the best time of year,

We hope you enjoy the next 31 days of horror flavored Halloween fun on Cinema Crazed.

We sure will.

Creature Crypt, Week 1: “The Last Halloween” Aliens; Gizmo


“Creature Crypt” is a four part weekly column that spotlights two creatures from our childhood that made us in to rabid horror fans. These are the creatures that scared us, wowed us, made us cry, and made us hope they weren’t under our bed.

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