The Bulls’ Night Out (2000)

Now Streaming For Free on Youtube.

Although Lindley Farley’s crime thriller was filmed in 1998, it feels so much like a displaced hidden gem that feels like it was made in 1978. It often watches like a gritty entry from William Friedkin or Don Siegel (I mean that as a compliment). It’s pretty awesome how well directed and composed “The Bulls’ Night Out” is as it’s teeming with top notch collective talent as well as an engaging narrative. “The Bulls’ Night Out” is that classic crime thriller about aging crime fighter trying to adjust to a new world where crime is much different than it was when they were younger.

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The Departed (2006): Limited Edition Steelbook [4K UHD/Digital]

In Stores April 23rd from Warner Bros.

I do not make it a secret that I don’t like “The Departed.” I never have liked it. I think one of the main reasons why I dislike it so much is that I had seen Andrew Lau and Alan Mak’s 2004 original much earlier and was surprised with how cerebral and taut it was. “Infernal Affairs” was about betrayal, and loss of identity, and completely losing not only who we once were, but our own morality code. It’s shocking to me to know that “The Departed” is not only so infinitely dumbed down from its source material, but that Scorsese is capable of so much better than what he offers us.

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Road House (2024)

Now Streaming on Amazon Prime Video.

After years and years of talking about it, Hollywood finally pulled the trigger on a remake of iconic Patrick Swayze 1989 cult ciassic. The once Southern fried martial arts film about a brotherhood of bar bouncers is taken on by director Doug Liman who tries his best to help his version stand on its own two feet. While original star Patrick Swayze sadly died years ago, there are no appearances from other former stars. That’s okay, because on its own, “Road House” 2024” is a damn good time. It’s overlong, but it’s a lot of fun and has a good sense of humor about itself. In a (so far) lackluster movie year, that’s all I need.

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Darkman (1990): Collector’s Edition [4K UHD/Blu-ray]

The one thing about Sam Raimi’s movies is that good or bad, very few of them age poorly. Even for a movie made in the early nineties at an age where every studio were seeking to duplicate the success of “Batman,” Raimi makes “Darkman” his own movie. It’s a superhero movie in the horror vein where our masked dark avenger is also a deformed an unhinged Frankenstein monster. Something in the vein of Brundlefly, Liam Neeson really does offer up a wildly unique and off the rails performance.

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The Warriors (1979): 2-Disc Limited Edition [4K UHD]

Now Available from Arrow Video.

It’s no secret that I Love “The Warriors.” I’ve loved it for years, and I talk about it constantly. I own a massive poster, the vinyl soundtrack the entire funko pop wave, the PS2 video game, and most of the editions on DVD and Blu-Ray. It’s a movie that’s had an interesting genesis starting out as a novel, transformed in to a notorious feature film, which then became fodder for video stores and was played quite often in syndication on cable and network television. It then evolved in to a cult classic and now a more widely celebrated cult masterpiece. And rightly so.

It’s a movie that works on so many levels as a streamlined, sleek, gritty, and exciting gang picture that Walter Hill directs with pitch perfect efficiency, and it’s garnered another well deserved special release from Arrow Video.

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The Beekeeper (2024)

Jason Statham once upon a time was a guy who seemed like he was going to carry the torch and deliver a brand of unique action film roles. And then somewhere around 2010, he kind of backtracked and just reverted to playing the same variation of Jason Statham that we’ve seen well in to fifteen years now. “The Beekeper” is the latest in a line of what the internet are now labeling “Dad movies” where your everyday Joe becomes a bonafide angel of vengeance. This time directed by David Ayer and written by Kurt Wimmer, the pair team to deliver, so far, one of the stupidest action movies of the year.

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Dress Code (2022)

I had a lot of respect for Joseph Pupello’s desire to deliver a gangster picture that’s less about gangsters and more about our personal lives. It’s rough around the edges, and the screenplay by Peter Panagos isn’t entirely cohesive, but they do manage to concoct an interesting storyline for a central character who is being pulled in all kinds of obligations. The one big goal in his a life involving mobsters, and assassinations, and a pregnant wife is to live as the person he really wants to be, and that makes his struggle pretty turbulent.

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