Quicksilver (1986) [Blu-Ray]

quicksilverIn spite of my appreciation for actor Kevin Bacon, I never actually managed to see “Quicksilver.” Even when it was on television, I always actively made a point of not watching it. It just never interested me. Thankfully now with the advent of Kevin Bacon’s 1986 thriller now on Blu-Ray, I’m happy to discover that “Quicksilver” is an entertaining and somewhat underrated action thriller where Bacon thrives once again.

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Quench (2007)

quenchTonally, “Quench” tends to be scattered and while normally that’d be cause to give this a negative marking Zack Parker’s film balances the mixture of genres, and direction so well that I really enjoyed that the film jumps from mood to mood with pure ease. “Quench” could be described as a horror movie in a way, but it’s very unlike a horror movie when it wants to be. Parker takes the underground sexually unlimited world of “Eyes Wide Shut” and mixes it with a bit of “Martin” along with a coming of age drama and really never stops there.

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The Quiet (2005)

25quie.2.600The whole concept behind “The Quiet” is that our main character Dot (subtle) is a deaf mute that lives among the upper class after her parents died. Dot is a deaf mute yet she still narrates every twenty minutes. This is not introversion of our main character stuck in a world she doesn’t want to be in, this is just an excuse to give Camilla Belle dialogue even though common sense would entail her character not speaking. It’s explained later that Dot could speak and hear once, but not anymore. Which is no excuse to give her narration. If you want us to believe this girl is now in a world where sound and communication can no longer exist, don’t undermine it with rambling narration.

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Queen of the Damned (2002)

imagesOh, boy, is this ever a doozy! This movie is unlike it’s predecessor. As where it’s predecessor gained an advantage with depth, drama, horror, and intrigue, this lacked greatly. First off, the cast is wretched with incredibly bad unknowns strewn about throughout the movie; we get cheesy special effects often throughout the movie as the vampires seem more like comic book characters than actual vampires. Lestat who was once made intimidating by Tom Cruise is now an arrogant sex fiend who growls and hisses at everything making him seem more comical than scary.

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